Elk Ridge Recess Rules
Elk Ridge Recess Game Rules
- Wait your turn.
- Make sure the slide is clear.
- Slide down on your bottom.
- Use hands only on the monkey bars/rings.
- Go in one direction across monkey bars/rings.
- No tag games or chasing around the big toy.
- Sit in the center and hold on with both hands.
- Swing back and forth only.
- If swings are full, use “25 Alligator Rule” to count.
- Open swings are for the next person in line.
- No underdogs or rolling up chains.
- No jumping off swings.
- Avoid contact - do not touch a player when the ball is in the air.
- First touch on the ball gets it.
- Person that catches the ball becomes the thrower
- Two players at a time. Other players wait behind the Line Judge.
- After leaving the wall, the ball may only bounce one time before a player hits it.
- Ball must cross the line near the wall to count.
- Ball must bounce within lines on a serve.
- ONLY Re-do - interference by someone outside of the game.
- Move out of the other player’s way after hitting the ball or you are out.
- If the ball goes over the wall, the player who hits it is out.
- If the ball gets away, the player that hit it gets it and comes back.
- Use a rubber ball.
- Player in square A serves and announces service by saying “serving.”
- All other players wait in line behind the Line Judge.
- Ball must be hit underhand (scooping action) with 2 hands.
- Player is out if:
- ball they hit touches ANY line
- hold or carry the ball
- ball hits the player’s body
- hit the ball with their fist
- ball bounces more than once before they hit it
- argue with Line Judge
- Out players move to the end of the line and all other players advance to fill the empty square.
- ONLY re-do if there is interference by someone outside of the game.
- If the ball gets away, the player who hit it gets it and brings it back.
- Two players at a time.
- All other players wait behind the Line Judge.
- First player serves the ball.
- Second player chooses the direction they want.
- Ball must be tossed in the air before it is hit on a serve.
- Ball must be hit with hands only.
- Player is out if:
- catches, holds, or bobbles the ball
- touches the pole or rope
- crosses the line onto the other player’s side
- First player in each line takes the court as defense.
- Next player in each line makes up the offensive team.
- Middle offensive player passes the ball to begin the game.
- Play begins and each team tries to score.
- Shoot and miss, either team can rebound and shoot.
- No traveling or double dribbling. Foul - ball goes to the other team.
- Scoring team stays on the court.
- If no score for 2 mins. - players waiting in line count down from 10.
- Still no score - person with ball shoots free throw to settle tie.
- Team is out if:
- The other team makes a basket.
- They have played 3 rounds in a row.
- First player in each line takes the field as one team.
- Next player in each line makes up the other team.
- Teams “rock, paper, scissors” to see who starts with the ball.
- Play! Each team tries to score into the other team’s goal.
- Scoring team stays on the field.
- If no score for 2 mins., players waiting in line count down from 10. No score -“rock, paper, scissors” to settle tie.
- Split into two fair teams.
- Each inning there is a new pitcher.
- Baseball rules apply (foul balls, tagging up when a fly ball is caught).
- Players may not throw the ball at a baserunner. Tag out or force outs only.
- Teams switch from kicking to playing the field after three outs or five runs.
- No sliding, stealing bases, or leading off.
- Runner cannot advance to another base once the pitcher has the ball.
- All players on the kicking team must be lined up out of play unless kicking or on base.