About Us » Parking & Traffic Safety

Parking & Traffic Safety

Before School
Students are to arrive at school no earlier than 8:45 a.m. There is no supervision for students prior to this time. Students enter the building through the main doors at 8:50 a.m. when the first bell rings. Students go directly to their classrooms unless they are having breakfast. Students must line up outside the classroom until their teacher, or other responsible adult allows them to enter the room.
  • Our drop off area is for drop off only. If you would like to wait with your child please park and then walk with them.
  • If you are dropping off and need to assist your child with getting out of their car seat, please pull all the way forward.
  • Please be a good neighbor! We have neighborhoods on either side of us and lots of kids walking from both Copperwynd and Heather Lane. Be mindful of students and safe during arrival and dismissal times!
  • Parking is not allowed on Heather Lane.
  • Please do not drop your child off unsupervised prior to 8:45. We do not have supervision in the front of the building prior to this.


After School
Kindergarten and first grade teachers escort students to the bus loading zone. For everyone’s safety, an adult is stationed at the crosswalk at the entrance to the parking lot. In addition, School Safety Patrol students assist families in using the parking lot crosswalks.
    • Bus riders are to immediately load buses if the bus has arrived or wait quietly in line for buses that have not arrived. An adult will check to see if every class is out of the building before dismissing buses. For safety reasons, students who live in a bused area may not walk to school.
    • Car riders reminders: 
      • Please stay in your vehicle in the pick-up Lane.
      • It is very important and necessary that we keep the traffic moving.
      • Please do not leave your vehicle in the drop-off/pick-up lane for any reason.
      • If it is necessary to come into the school, please park your vehicle in a designated parking spot.
      • Please use the crosswalks to move from the parking lot to the sidewalk areas.

    • Walkers. Parents are encouraged to walk with their child or transport their child if they live in an area not served by school buses. 
Dismissal Information
  • Please contact our office before 3:00pm if there are any changes to your child's end-of-day transportation plans. The end of the day is a busy time for us and we cannot ensure transportation changes after 3:00pm.
  • If you are picking up your child in the car, please follow our loop. We will have one teacher designated to ask parents daily who you are picking up and they will direct you to a colored curb along our sidewalk (red, orange, green, blue, or purple). When you get to that section another teacher will help escort your child in the car.
  • If you are walking home with your child via Copperwynd, please wait for them on the other side of the crosswalk. If you are walking home via Heather Lane, please wait for them at the designated area behind the bike rack. Our staging area for students in the pick up line needs to be clear for students and staff only.
  • We will not be dismissing students across the parking lot to parents as it is a safety concern.
  • The bus loop is for buses only. Please do not park behind the bus loop either.
  • Kindergarteners-2nd Graders will be dismissed at 3:20. 3rd-5th Graders will be dismissed at 3:25.

School Busses Students are expected to behave safely and properly on the bus and at bus stops. For further information, including bus stop information please visit Transportation Department website.


Bus Passes
Bus Passes are required for students who wish to depart the bus at a different authorized stop or to ride a different bus to or from school. Passes are issued on a space available basis only. Therefore, there is no guarantee that a pass will be approved. To obtain a bus pass, parents are required to send a note from home stating the date, current and new bus route number and person he/she is going with. Students should give their note to their teacher or the office who will issue the bus pass. No bus passes are issued the first two weeks of school or the last two weeks of school, except in emergencies.


Release of Students
Students will not be released to any person other than a parent or guardian unless authorized by the parent or guardian. This authorization must be written on the student’s Emergency Information form. Verification of the authorization by school personnel is appropriate, if there is any doubt about the authenticity of the request. In addition, once students have arrived on school grounds, they may not leave without permission. Students who are not picked up on time must sit in the office lobby to wait for parent/guardian.


Students Staying After School
After school is dismissed, students are expected to go directly home, or to pre- arranged childcare. Only students enrolled in supervised school activities may remain at school. Arrangements must be made in advance between students, parents, guardians and teachers for permission to attend these activities.
Walking To/From School
Ensure high levels of learning for all students preparing them for successes beyond high

Students should never accept a ride from a stranger. Please talk to your students about the following points to be observed on the walk to and from school:

  • Walk on the shoulder or sidewalk; preferably single-file if space does not allow for walking with another person.
  • It is usually best to walk on the left-hand side of the road, facing traffic (so cars are going the opposite direction you are).
  • Avoid taking shortcuts through woods or private property.
  • Arrive at the crosswalk when the Crossing Guard is on duty – no earlier than 8:45 a.m.
Bicycle Rules
Ensure high levels of learning for all students preparing them for successes beyond high
Bicyclists must:
  • Wear helmets (King County ordinance).
  • Walk their bicycles off and onto the school grounds, using the marked crossings. They are to follow the directions of the school patrol.
  • Give pedestrians the right of way on the sidewalks.
  • If you will be riding your bicycle to and from school, please bring a note to your teacher letting him or her know of the transportation change.
All bicycles must be parked in the designated racks and locked. The school is not responsible for stolen and damaged bicycles. Skateboards, roller skates, in-line skates, shoes with wheels, and scooters (including motorized) are prohibited.
Vehicles must be parked in marked stalls if the driver leaves the car. There is absolutely no double parking. When dropping off or picking up students, parents may wait WITH their vehicles in the loading zone fronting the school. If it is necessary for the driver to leave the car it must be moved out of the fire lane and parked in a stall. School personnel may have cars towed if left unattended in the fire lanes. The speed limit in the parking lot is five miles per hour.