We encourage students to be at school on time EVERY day. Regular attendance is essential to a student’s success in school. Students receive the full benefit of classroom instruction only when they attend on a regular basis. Bell times are TU-F 9:00-3:25 and W 10:00-3:25. The first bell rings 10 mins before the beginning of school. A student is tardy if they are not inside the classroom by 9:00.
When you know your child is not going to be at school due to illness, religious observances or family emergencies, please call 360-829-3354 and select option 1 to report the absence. If you receive a phone message that your child is absent and you believe your child to be at school, please call the school as the child may have been out of the classroom when attendance was taken.
To report absences please call or email.
Attendance Line: 360-829-3354
Please fill out and return the form below for any planned absences over 3 days:
Early Dismissal
We encourage parents to make doctor and dental appointments before or after school hours. Please send a note to your child’s teacher if you must take him/her out of school early. When you pick up your child for early dismissal, report to the office to sign your child out. Your child will be called to the office to meet you. This is done for your child’s safety.
Tardiness is a form of poor attendance and can become a bad habit. Arriving late to school affects your child and the entire class. The beginning of the day is an important time for students. Students arriving late often miss homework assignments, lessons, activities, and other important instructions. It is very important for your child to arrive at school on time. Tardiness falls under the guidelines of our attendance regulation. When tardy, students must check in with the office for an admission slip before going to class. If tardiness is chronic, parents may be contacted via phone and/or mail to determine a course of action, and a written note from a doctor may be required to excuse future tardiness.
More Attendance Policy Information can be found in the Student Handbook